Véronique Arnold – “L’éclat d’une luciole dans la nuit”
15th March 2020 – 3rd January 2021 // Temporary exhibition 3° floor
The temporary exhibition “L’éclat d’une luciole dans la nuit” by Véronique Arnold, an artist born in Strasbourg who lives between Alsace and Ticino, is to be found in the three rooms on the second floor and brings together around fifty works dating from 2015 up to the present, with a significant prevalence of the last two years and, in particular, a well defined output dating from the last few months. The decision to set a clear majority of new works alongside other, comparable ones stems from the choice to highlight the continuity of the themes developed, albeit in a summary form and through different techniques, as well as emphasizing the vitality and fresh, creative spirit of her latest works.
The central assumption of Véronique Arnold’s poetics lies in the relationship between external reality, in particular the nature of the infinitely small to the infinitely big, and the perception of this. Between what life, even in its tiniest manifestations, deposits in the human soul and the reactions, or rather the “vibrations”, it sets off.